We're Famous!
kinrowan has graciously written up a review of Podcast1024 in his "New New Podcast Review" web page and podcast. What a trip! If I knew what a track-back was, and if Blogger supported them I'd be doing it. knrowan says:
I'm inclined to agree with Prent that anyone interested in music at all should have a little of this in their daily musical diet. In fact, it would be wonderful if Prent published this on an absolutely daily basis, but that's a pretty tall order. It would also be nice if Prent would give a little larger tidbit of information in his intro; I would be very happy to have Prent tell us a little about microtonal music in general in every 'cast, to help those of us who don't quite get it yet (OK, to help me) - he does give some details in most 'casts, but sometimes they assume more of a basis in the ideas behind microtonal music than his potential podience is likely to have.
Thanks for the plug! We're up to 50 RSS feeds a day now. Any more and I'd blush.
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