Monday, November 22, 2004

Mediaburn Podstation 2408

Gary Santoro runs the Mediaburn weblog, which discusses all things digital on the web. He's turned to the web site to post his radio links, and darned if it didn't include one of the Podcast1024 pieces, the Mirror Walk by Prent Rodgers. Thanks for the attention. GigaDial is a way to share your favorite podcast episodes with others. Gary also picked one from the BBC on the Higgs Boson, and one from his own Mediaburn Radio Weblog. See the entry at Mediaburn Podstation 2408.

GigaDial elevator pitch: is a new approach to radio programming. You can use it to create and subscribe to podcast-powered stations composed of individual episodes from your favorite podcasters. To subscribe, browse the list of recently updated stations below, or the list of all stations, and then point your podcatcher at the station feed, linked from the XML button on each station's page.

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